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**NEW** Coaching with I.N.T.E.N.T.I.O.N. Mini Video Course

In this concise mini video course, Melanie expertly guides you on how to coach with intention. She breaks down each letter of the word, connecting it to purposeful coaching strategies that are essential for enhancing your coaching skills. 

This mini video course originally premiered at the 2022 Mind Your Coaching Institute, "Coaching with Intention". It's designed to provide you with practical tools and techniques to help you coach with clarity, focus, and intention, ultimately leading to better results for both you and your clients. Whether you are a seasoned coach looking to refine your skills or a newcomer eager to learn the ropes, this course offers valuable insights that can elevate your coaching practice.

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 Coaching with I.N.T.E.N.T.I.O.N. Mini Video Course
 $19.00 USD

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